Partnering With CTEN
Helping Ordinary People Partner With God To Accomplish The Extraordinary
Dear Friends and Family,
I am excited to announce that I have joined Commission to Every Nation, a missionary support network that assists several hundred missionaries in numerous countries. Commission to every nation has been given 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service and will issue tax-deductible receipts for all donations processed through them.
CTEN will also be assisting me in numerous other areas of my ministry. They will help me stay in touch with my home team and aid me in further serving in Honduras. I am excited to be partnering with them. They are an organization with strong values, a passion for missions, financial integrity and have an empowering mission statement “Helping ordinary people partner with God to accomplish the extraordinary. If you would like to learn more about CTEN visit their web site at .
On a similar but a different note the other day, I was preparing a budget and remembered in high school in one of my many finance classes I had prepared a monthly budget. So, I pulled up my file with my first budget I created. (Oh my. I got to pick the degree I graduated with and my salary. Let’s just say I have always always been a dreamer. Without a doubt.) It brought all these memories to mind of what I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. I specifically remember talking in this finance class about where we pictured ourselves in 5 to 10 years. We mapped out our lives while having no idea what was before us, but it was fun and exciting to picture the future. Little did I know that I would be studying Spanish for a month living with a family that only speaks Spanish in Siguatepeque, a city in Honduras in the middle of Central America. Actually, while I was in high school I said “ Why would I take Spanish class? I will not learn anything and I will never use it. I’ll take American Sign Language.” HAHA, it would be a great start to have at least the basics. But I want to swing back around to how fun it was to picture the future and look forward to what was before me. Again, little did I know while I was creating this budget that a few years later I would give my life to whatever work God had for me, and here I am starting my 3rd year in Honduras, this year again being different from the rest. This year I am being given more opportunities than ever to open up the word of God with the students at El Camino and the Children's Home. Excited, still feeling stretched but energized, I leave Siguatepeque this Saturday to head to my home, and my budget, yes, is very different but still has very necessary expenses calculated in. I ask that as I partner with CTEN you would keep me in your prayers.
From here on out all of my donations will go through CTEN. This can be done by following the steps below:
Check by Regular Mail
Make your check payable to CTEN, and mail it to:
Commission To Every Nation
P.O. Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
Include a note along with your check stating that you are supporting Chase Gray. When your donation is received you will be sent a receipt with a tear-off portion that you can simply include with your future donation.
Secure Online Giving
If you do not have a computer or need help call 1-800-872-5404, please call during normal business hours and they will gladly assist you.
Or just follow these steps:
Go to . This directs you to our CTEN information page where you then click the DONATE button.
You can make a special gift or schedule monthly/annual recurring gifts by credit card or electronic bank transfer.
Giving your contact information enables CTEN to send you receipts and allows you to track your giving, select receipt preferences and update your contact information as needed. Follow the instructions until your transaction is complete.
As I have said numerous times before, I am blown away by your love, support and prayers. I am grateful for all of the people that God has allowed me to partner with. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or you can get in contact with CTEN.
Thank you,
Chase Gray
Email: Chase Online donations:
Mail donations to: CTEN * PO Box 291307 * Kerrville, TX 78029-1307 * Call CTEN: (800)872-5404 (press 1 to donate)